Initiated by The Cultarture Project, co-organised by MANA’s date and Hope’s Artery, the Artist Dialogue event titled “United by the Sun – Art Liberates Technology” with American Neo-Futurist artist Josh Hadar and emerging Chinese artist Yuejun Deng took place at Chronus Art Center CAC, Shanghai on October 15th. Hadar’s creative process involves constant use of solar technology in his sculptures and installations, whereas the Chinese artist Deng experimented with solar panels to display transmission of power. The dialogue sought to inspire a cross-border artistic exchange and collaboration.
Artist Dialogue
Josh Hadar & Deng Yuejun: United by the Sun - Art Liberates Technology
Date: Sunday, October 15th, 2017
Time: 14:00-16:00 (Registration starts at 13:30)
Speaker: Josh Hadar (artists), Deng Yuejun (artists), Henrietta Y. Xie (curator, dialogue moderator), Wang Hui (artist, panelist), David Wang (manager of Hanergy, panelist)
Host: Xueqing & Polo
Language: English (with Chinese translation), Chinese
Venue: Chronus Art Center, Moganshanlu 50, building 18, Shanghai